This is the last day in the Dreamy December Days Read-A-Thon
I finished:
In the Zone by Sierra Cartwright
The Men with the Golden Cuffs (Masters and Mercenaries #2) by Lexi Blake
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter #3) by J.K. Rowling
Resolutions (Honor Guard Series) by Teri Riggs (review on the 13th)
//click on the covers to go to goodreads and see the blurb//

I also read parts from:
A Fistful of Charms by Kim Harrison - 25%
Archangel's Legion by Nalini Singh - 10%(this one is my bath read :D)
New York to Dallas by J.D. Robb - 80%

Hmm, I'd love to give my mum a new Dan Brown book(they need to translate more in Romanian) or one like it and a pretty bookmark that I made. I'd give my dad an ebook reader with some Bill Bryson books, he really loves the dude. My sister wouldn't appreciate books so I would stop myself from buying a new YA book with a great covers(they always pull me in). Lastly I'd give a Bucharest tarvelling guide book for all my DarkSider girls from GoodReads so maybe I'd entice them to visit me :D
*there is still time to enter and there are GREAT challenges and prizes*
For this read-a-thon I'm trying to finish the books I have started and some from my TBR that I have in paperback format. I don't know if I can since I a have a craving to cook(I made such a great chocolate tart, I'll post the pics and recipe tomorrow).
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