Interview and Giveaway
"Where can I take you, Mr. Savoy?"
That was how Remy Maison’s day began, not the glamorous world of guarding underwear from her creepy landlord on laundry day, but taking her brother’s place as driver for businessman Owen Savoy. And what was with this guy? Yeah, he’s hot and all, with eyes like melted chocolate and a lean, sexy figure she’d love to explore, but Remy’s never met anyone so rigid.
Owen has a list for everything. He’s planned the entire day down to the smallest detail. All Remy has to do is stick to the list, but she never follows the rules‚ there’s no freaking way. So why is she spending all her time looking in the rearview mirror, hoping she’ll make Owen’s next list?
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Hi Wendy :) Glad to have you here. Now, to start, what inspired you to write "On His List"?
Owen did. I have OCD also and when his character came into my head I just wanted to match him up with his polar opposite—because everyone deserves love, right?
How would you describe the story to someone who hasn't read it yet?
Remy would much rather spend the day in grubby clothes, but she has to sub in as driver for a rich guy when her brother gets a migraine—otherwise they won’t make rent. Owen is everything she isn’t: organized, rich, and he has a precise way of doing everything. Of course she’s attracted to him…and he’s hot for her, but he has a list, and she lives her life by the seat of her pants. It can’t possibly work out, unless they both want it really bad.
Describe Remy and Owen in 3 words each.
Remy: funny, quirky, impulsive.
Owen: obsessive, precise, sexy.
Do you have a writing process? Are you a plotter or pantser :P?
I’m a pantser, but I sometimes map out a rough chapter outline if I’m forced to.
What scene did you have the most fun writing? Why?
I like when they’re sitting in the car eating In-N-Out—and not just because it required me to do research into their secret menu items. (Love animal-style burgers, by the way.)
What research did you do for the book?
Oops, I somewhat answered that above, but there was another funny research moment when I panicked because I thought there was no way a flight could go from Miami to Oakland at the time I needed it to. I emailed my editor and we both started trying to book flights for Owen. It worked out, but it was hilarious because Facebook kept trying to get me to book flights due to my search history.
Did you always want to be an author?
I’ve always told stories—to myself, to others. They ranged from fibbing which I think shows an early billable skillset now that I think of it—to telling myself bedtime stories in my head to combat the insomnia I’ve had my whole life.
Can you tell me some of your favorite authors? How about books?
Jennifer Crusie, Julia Quinn, Leslie Kelly, Meg Cabot. I like a huge variety of genres. Last year, I read everything from “I, Robot” to tons of romance Christmas anthologies. I love nonfiction too—especially nonfiction about body language or personality types.
What are you currently working on?
Right now, I’m trying to finish writing 50,000 words in November to “win” National Novel Writing Month. Anyone who follows me on Facebook can read excerpts from what I’m working on.
A few short answer questions:
Tea or coffee? Neither. Mountain Dew.
Do you prefer the seaside or the mountains? Seaside.
Sweet or salty? Salty. Definitely salty.
Thanks for having me on your blog!
It was my pleasure that you could stop by!
About the Author:
Wendy’s childhood as a military brat instilled in her a wanderlust to travel, but with the possibility of bugs, lost luggage, germs, a lack of parking, she just prefers the cleaner and safer visits to exciting places in her stories. It has very little to do with her obsessive compulsive disorder—maybe. She is a passionate advocate both online and in her community for the welfare of autistic children. In addition to writing, she enjoys painting and sketching, spending time with her two quirky kids, and running with her dog. Her wonderful husband makes sure she has the geeky, tech aspects of her stories just right. She can often be found on Twitter where she will strike up a conversation with anyone she happens across.
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