Layers Deep by Lacey Silks
Genre: Erotic Romance
Categories: M/F with HEA ending
Release Date: December 4, 2013
Publisher: MyLit Publishing
Format: eBook (paperback TBA)
Length: Novel, 57000 words
Review copies sent once review request is accepted.
Available at: Kobo, Amazon, Smashwords, All Romance eBooks on release date. Other retailers to follow.
He needs her to save a friend.She needs him to plan her revenge.Their pasts scar them Layers Deep.Their passion distracts them......and distractions can be fatal.Tristan Cross is battling emotional demons from the past. He lives in a world where trust is earned, loyalties are tested, and love is impossible. That is, until he meets Allie Green. She’s the only woman who can help him find a kidnapped friend and to top it off, she captivates him. All he has to do now is persuade her to work for Cross Enterprises, his top investigations firm.Allie Green is a rookie cop seeking revenge and she’s willing to sell her soul to get it. When an opportunity to use Tristan Cross presents itself so does the time for payback. As her vengeance boils her blood she can’t keep her mind off her new boss and Allie finds it difficult to keep her employment professional. With the mouth watering Tristan Cross distracting her, she struggles to prioritize an undercover job she’s been assigned and her hunger for revenge.And when you’re ready to give up your life to save someone else, distractions can be fatal.Note: This book is the first part of a Trilogy that is designed to be read in order. Tristan and Allie will get their happy ending but not until book 2. This book contains a cliff hanger ending you will not expect. A prequel to the series which can be read alone is Dazzled by Silver.Warning: This title contains erotic situations, and graphic language. Intended for adult audience 18+.
What authors do you think write excellent erotic fiction?
There are so many of them and each one has a unique style and voice. I love Raine Miller, H.M. Ward, Selena Kitt, Kitty French, Elle Casey, Sylvia Day.... .... this list can go on forever.
How do you judge what makes a good erotic story when writing your own fiction?
For me it's the effect the scene or story has on my own emotions. Since I've written it, I know what will happen, and if those words can still conjure feelings I'm trying to evoke after reading it ten or fifteen times, then it's a good story. I like twists, turns and pushing my characters to their limit. And if they reach that limit, I push some more.
Who is your favorite erotic author and why?
It has to be Selena Kitt. She introduced me to erotica. Selena writes pretty much everything and it amazes me how many titles she has published. Her stories are clear, concise and emotionally titillating. Everything you'd want in erotica.
What is your favorite erotic book and why?
This one changes frequently. At this moment it's Tangled by Emma Chase. It's written from a male point of view and Drews voice is so clear as to who he is. I honestly cannot believe a woman wrote this novel. His thoughts are written so well, as if it was done by a man. And it's so funny. My stomach hurt from laughing while I read the story.
What research books do you recommend for authors starting out in writing erotica?
Every author should have an Erotic Thesaurus created by Morgan Hawke.
Another good one is Emotion Thesaurus by Becca Puglisi and Angela Ackerman.
I also enjoyed "How To Write Hot Sex" for tips from multi-published erotic authors.
An absolute must is "Be A Sex-Writing Trumpet" by Stacia Kane. It's probably one of my favorites.
What advice would you give an author who wants to write erotica?
Best stories come from the heart. Write what you know and if you don't know it, research it. The best part of writing erotica is the 'field research'. The questions I'd asked my husband about male anatomy even surprised me. Sometimes you try positions to make sure they work (and sometimes you argue with your editors whether they work which makes it all the more interesting if they work for you and not for them). Probably the best advice is to read, and to read a lot.
Tell us something about your newest release that is NOT in the blurb.
There’s a cliff-hanger ending. I know some readers don’t like that, but it was the only way I could make both Layers Deep and Layers Peel (currently in editing) work. But, the release time between the two novels should not be more than 4-5 weeks.
Are you working on anything at the present you would like to tell us about?
I'm working on four separate novels and my day will depend on who wants to tell their story. I know it sounds odd, but that's the way it works for me.
The first one is the last book in the Layers Trilogy titled Layers Off. If I disclose any details about this one my other books will be ruined, but it will have a happy ending for the most hated character since the prequel “Dazzled by Silver”.
The second book is titled No More Regrets. It’s a New Adult Romance and it’s still work in progress, but I love where the story is going.
The third one is an extension of My First, My Last: a short story I wrote. It has a lot of elements from my own life and it’s very emotional. I started writing this novel due to many requests from my readers.
The fourth one I've had three-quarters done for a while now and can't get back to it. I know I will, because I love the story, but it's not erotica. It's a dystopian, post-apocalyptic fantasy under a different name. I'll finish that one soon too.
Ebook or print? And why?
For my own work, definitely both, but not necessarily at the same time. It depends on my work load because print requires a bit more formatting.
If it's for my pleasure I'm more into ebooks now (especially if I'm reading smut), although I still buy print if it's something I absolutely must have like Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series and Percy Jackson and the Olympian's set.
What are you reading now?
I just downloaded Don’t Make Me Beautiful by Elle Casey. I plan to read it over the next few days during the kids swimming and karate. I can't wait! I'm itching to start now but I wouldn't get any writing done if I did. One thing I know about me is that when I start a book, I don't put it down until it's done. I just can't.
About the Author
Lacey is an Author of Erotic Romance. Her stories come from her life, dreams and fantasies. She’s a happily married wife with two kids. Lacey likes to make her readers blush and experience the story as if they were the characters. Drawing on the reader’s most sensitive emotions through realistic stories satisfies her more than… …ok not really, but you get the point;) She likes a pinkish shade on a woman’s cheeks, men with large feet and sexy lingerie-especially when it’s torn off the body. Her favorite piece of clothing is a ‘birthday suit’.
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