Series: Vampires in America #2
Author: D.B. Reynolds
Houston, Texas—Cowboy boots, baseball and journeys to the stars . . . right?
Wrong. Because Houston is also home to Jabril Karim, one of the eight powerful Vampire Lords who control all of North America. And as Private Investigator Cynthia Leighton will soon discover, not all Vampire Lords are created equal. For Jabril is the face of evil in the new world, a vampire who values no life but his own, who enslaves those he desires, steals whatever he covets and destroys anyone who stands in his way.
Running from L.A. and its seductive Vampire Lord, Raphael, Cyn sees the Houston job as a welcome refuge, a place to get away and heal her broken heart. But Texas will be no vacation. For in Jabril Karim, Cyn will confront a true enemy, one who will go to any lengths to satisfy his lusts, enrich his coffers and expand his power.
Fighting for the lives of two young sisters, Cyn’s journey will take her through the streets of Houston and back to L.A., where the human police are determined to bring Raphael down for the murder of one of their own. But the danger doesn’t end there. For Jabril has set his sights on Cyn, and he will stop at nothing to have her.
Joint review with Maru
Maru: Ok, are you ready folks? Aly and Maru joint reviewers extraordinaire are back! Yes, we know that our Raphael review left you wanting more of our hero picks, snarky comments and oh so funny gifs
Aly: Hear, hear!
Maru: So we decided to continue the path of joint reviews and see where it takes us. Aly, are you ready to kick some review butt?
Aly: Sure am Maru!
Maru: Awesome, as a matter fact so am I! Aly, what did you think of the ending?
Aly: Satisfactory :P
Maru: No, just kidding... but what did you think of the story overall?

Aly: Loved it! No more drama lama and stupid decisions(much), it was a great continuation of Cyn and Raphael's story. How about you? What did you think of it?
Maru: I agree with you, but with no stupid decisions we had no plot...I think that books 1 and 2 could be merged into a super book 1, but that´s just me... What did you think of the side characters in this one?
Aly: The villain was very hate-able! I literally couldn't stand seeing him on the page!
Maru: What about Mirabelle and Liz living situation?
Aly: I have no idea how those 2 could survive with that Jabril a-hole, him and his "women are good for one thing and one thing only" ideas.
Maru: Oh God!! I hated him instantly!! Poor girls, having being raised by that SOB...good thing Cyn came along, even though she made a couple of bad decisions, but she´s pretty kicked ass
Aly: She is since we all make those, I think we can let her off the hook. I have to say that I loved how Raphael had to suffer in this one, not much, but it was good for his soul
Maru: Yes!! I liked how she made him work for her, and he said " I love you" first, almost all the heroines say it a week after they meet the guy and they say it this was a nice change
Aly: Yes, a good twist. Did you expect Alexandra to do what she did? I didn't...
Maru: Me either, that was bitchy of her...I liked how Cyn was the bigger person and didn´t let the hard feelings get in the way of decisions
Aly: I would have let him toast her
Maru: Yeah me too..guess we are as bloodthirsty as our beloved Raphael
Aly: I wouldn't call him "beloved", but we are, a lot :)) I kind of liked learning about the Vamps' customs
Maru: Yes that was interesting, something all the vamp books have is the fact that they like to do a show of everything.
Aly: I expected them to be more unforgiving with the whole "New vamp-Lord Vamp" thing
Maru: Yeah Jabril or whatever his difficult name was, was kind of forgiving until the very end
Aly: He was scheming, that's what he was... Can I say that i'm happy with the way he left the world of the living?
Maru: Yes, I was smiling at the part...freaking finally. Now let´s discuss the epilogue.
Aly: I liked it! Cyn and her friend talking... and then the hotness that is Raphael rolling in:P
Neither Raphael nor Cyn know or want to share
Maru: I liked how she introduced a new character, but it was kind out of the blue since Sarah isn´t mentioned previously...I would´ve expected the next book to be about Luci.
Aly: I thought the same thing Maru. I started searching both books for this Sarah :))
Maru: I liked the last line "How is he going to know I´m in Buffalo?"
Aly: Yhea... kind of like kids asking their parents about how Santa knows that they're not home.
Maru: Hahaha yeah! Is there anything else left to discuss?
Aly: Nah. Just that the next books better be as great as these 2.
Maru: I completely agree on that! It was a pleasure doing a joint review with you Aly, thanks for your time. Till next time minions!
Older review
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