(Stark #2)
Publication date: January 2014
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
When Hayley makes a resolution to take back the control over her life, and declare their relationship R.I.P, it’s all good in theory…
That is until Daniel decides to prove her wrong and get her back.
Together, Hayley and Daniel seem to have it all. But can love ever be enough when two strong personalities collide and while reality takes the lead?
Faced with more obstacles than she could have ever bargain for when it comes to Daniel, struggling to keep her own identity while sharing a life with her man. Buds of doubt start rooting in Hayley’s confidence, making her rethink her decision.
And just when it seems that they might make it together after all, life happens. Bringing a threat that neither Hayley nor Daniel could ever anticipate, a threat that could break them apart forever . . .
Hi Sigal :) Glad to have you here.
Glad to be here, thank you!
Now, to start, what inspired you to write the "Stark" series?
That would be a combination of several elements. First and foremost, my desire to write something that I’d like to read. A story in which the characters actually have a relationship rather than the good ol’ push and pull game till the very end. Add that to a great love for the sea, tattooed hotties, sassy people, and you’ve got the series.
How would you describe the story to someone who hasn't read it yet?
I’d say that it’s a sweet love story, a light-hearted one that’s mostly fun, even during some of the angsty parts. I believe that the story has a certain uniqueness as it centers on real life, and characters with real life predicaments.
Describe Hayley and Daniel in 3 words each.
Hayley: Strong, opinionated, sassy.
Daniel: Ooh, the Daniel Stark, ragged yet a casual embodiment of handsomeness? Short tempered, confident, and passionate.
What scene did you have the most fun writing? Why?
That would actually be a whole chapter, Chapter 11: Soup, Wine, Ginger, Truth or Dare and Plain Ol’ comfort. My favorite part in writing is dialogues, and this entire chapter is a long, fun banter between the trio, aka Hayley, Tasha, and Ian.
Do you listen to music while you write?
I do, all the time. I find music very inspirational.
Did you always want to be an author?
Yes, I did. For me there was never any doubt about what I wanted to do as a career, though it took me a while to get there.
Does your family read your books?
Truth be told, they don’t. At the point in which the books are completed, my hubs can already recite them in his sleep. And my kids, god no! They are far too young…
Can you tell me some of your favorite authors? How about books?
Murakami, Dan Brown, Stieg Larsson, and many more.
It's almost impossible to pick, I have many favorite books from a variety of genres. The first three that pop to my mind are:
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
What are you currently working on?
That would be my third novel, Leaving Me Behind, which in fact is the first full novel I’ve ever written. I set it aside a while ago, knowing I’ll come back to it someday. It needs to undergo major TLC.
The story is about a thirty-something who’s fed up with her life, and takes a decision to leave it all behind. She moves to a coastal town in Spain in order to really start living. Her grand plan is to enjoy life while breaking her many strict rules. During the voyage she takes to get to know the new country and herself, she maintains cyber therapy sessions with her questionable shrink.
The story is about a thirty-something who’s fed up with her life, and takes a decision to leave it all behind. She moves to a coastal town in Spain in order to really start living. Her grand plan is to enjoy life while breaking her many strict rules. During the voyage she takes to get to know the new country and herself, she maintains cyber therapy sessions with her questionable shrink.
When she finally begins to enjoy her new life, she meets someone that leaves her questioning everything she thought was right.
A few short answer questions:
A few short answer questions:
Tea or coffee? Coffee, and a lot.
Do you prefer the sea side or the mountains? Sea side.
Sweet or salty? Salty.
Print or ebook? eBook.
Movies or TV shows? Movies.
Thank you so much for having me here.

By teen age, Sigal already lived in three different continents where she had the luck to experience and visit varied places, meet unique people, which only helped fuel her overly developed imagination. Currently, Sigal calls Estonia home where she lives with her husband and three kids.
Not exactly sure where they will end up next…
When she is not hiding in her office, writing, she enjoys music, reading and taking care of her little clan.
With a great believe in "don’t wait for things to happen - make them happen," she enjoys anything exciting life has to offer.
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