Hunted by a Jaguar, the fourth book in New York Times best-seller Felicity Heaton’s hot paranormal romance series, Eternal Mates, is now available in ebook and paperback. To celebrate the release, she’s holding a FANTASTIC GIVEAWAY at her website and sharing sneak peeks of the book.
Find out how to enter the Hunted by a Jaguar international giveaway (ends January 18th) and be in with a shot of winning a $75, $50 or $25 gift certificate at her website, where you can also download a 7 chapter sample of the novel: http://www.felicityheaton.co.uk/hunted-by-a-jaguar-paranormal-romance-novel.php
If you haven’t had a chance to step into this passionate and action-packed world of dark elves, fae, demons, vampires, shifters and hunters, then you can take the leap with the first book in the series, Kissed by a Dark Prince, which is only 99c / 99p until January 15th as part of her fantastic Winter Warmers special deals. Find all the deals and links to your favourite retailers at: http://www.felicityheaton.co.uk/paranormal-romance-ebook-offers.php
How would you describe the story to someone who hasn't read it yet?
Hunted by a Jaguar is a romance between a jaguar shifter with a dark secret and a dark elf with her life on the line. When a tragedy brings Kyter back to his shifter pride’s village in the rainforest, he is set on a path of vengeance, determined to destroy the one responsible for the death of his only family. Iolanthe is a dark elf who has made a career out of hunting down lost artefacts and treasures for discerning clients, but her current client has requested she find him something extremely dangerous and if she fails, it’s her head that will be going on his mantelpiece. When the dark paths they’re treading brings them into a head on collision and a race for the same artefact, all hell breaks loose, but if they can’t find a way to work together, the deadly game of cat and mouse they’ve found themselves in might just claim both of their lives.
Describe Kyter and Iolanthe in 3 words each.
Kyter is loyal, sensual and wicked.
Iolanthe is stubborn, intelligent, and maybe just a bit wicked too.
What do you think makes Kyter appealing? How about Iolanthe?
I think Kyter’s main appeal is his charm. The man is a walking charm offensive. He’s confident and cocksure, and handsome to boot. He’s been running a nightclub in London for a long time, so he’s used to being the boss and women fawning over him, so when Iolanthe refuses to do anything he says and keeps him firmly at a distance, it rouses his animal instincts to hunt her and drive her into submission. He’s delightfully wicked too, finding ways to tease and tempt Iolanthe into surrendering to him. He’s also extremely loyal, brave, protective and possessive, and he’s a little broken by events in his past that have shaped him to a degree.
Iolanthe is a confident woman. She takes no prisoners and she certainly doesn’t accept men interfering her in her life and her business. She’s stubborn and determined, and very independent, but she also has a big heart beneath her cool exterior and she deeply loves those she cares about. I think readers will love her strength and how she refuses to let anyone walk all over her or dictate what she should do. She’s going to have a lot of women cheering for her when she puts Kyter through his paces.
How did you create your characters? Were they inspired by real people?
No, none of my characters are inspired by people. They just walk into my head and sort of announce themselves, and then we sit down and chat a while, so I can find out more about them. After that, we delve deeper and I’ll fill out a huge biography for the character, jotting down all sorts of information about them, and their current life, and also their history too. I write a lot of information down for my characters, plenty of which never gets used. It’s great to have it there because it helps me to tap into the essence of that character and write them in a way that gives them depth and makes them real.
What scene did you have the most fun writing? Why?
Any scene where Kyter is being a bad kitty and driving Iolanthe around the bend by tempting her. In particular, I love the scene where he’s determined to make her blush! They’ve only just met face to face for the first time and they’re arguing over “territory” which is Kyter’s term for the spot he’s discovered in his hunt for the artefact he needs.
Kyter took a step back, his boots scuffing across the dusty stone floor in the old empty building, stooped and unzipped the main compartment of his backpack. He set down his guidebook, took out his canteen and straightened. The female eyed him, her blade still held at the ready. At least she hadn’t attacked when he had feigned dropping his guard.
He unscrewed the cap on his canteen and then put it back on as an idea came to him.
He set the canteen down on his backpack. Stood and stared across the narrow strip of ground to the female, making sure he had the whole of her attention. When he had assured himself that she was still staring at him, he grabbed the hem of his black t-shirt and pulled it up.
Her eyes shot wide.
“Wh-what do you think you are doing?” She edged back a step and her blade dropped a few inches before it came back up.
He smirked and pulled the top off over his head, taking his time about it and giving her a nice, leisurely look at his stomach and chest. He dropped the black tee on his pack and she stared at him. No blush. No problem. He could get one out of her.
He swiped the canteen from beneath his tee, unscrewed the cap and raised it above his head. He tipped half of the contents over the longer tufts of his short sandy hair. Water ran down his face and throat and over his chest, blissfully cool against his hot skin.
She stammered. “What… I… what?”
Kyter shot her his best smile as he scrubbed his hand over his hair, tousling the wet strands and squeezing more water from them. It ran in rivulets down his face and his body.
A blush scalded her cheeks.
“I’m hot,” he murmured and rubbed the water into his bare chest. “And a little dusty. I’m remedying that.”
Because he hated being dirty.
But he could be dirty for her.
Can you tell me some of your favorite authors? How about books?
I love Lara Adrian’s Midnight Breed series, Larissa Ione’s Demonica series also Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunter series, and I’ve recently started Elisabeth Naughton’s Eternal Guardians and they are soooo good!
What are you currently working on?
I’ve just finished proofreading Craved by an Alpha (Eternal Mates #5) which is out on Jan 27th, and Bitten by a Hellcat (Eternal Mates #6) which is out on Feb 17th. Those two are shorter books, around category length which is about 50,000 words. The other books in the series have all been full length novels at over 90,000 words. Now that I’m done with those two, I’m about to kick off the edit of Taken by a Dragon (Eternal Mates #7), as that’s due out in March. If you’ve read Claimed by a Demon King, the second book in the series, you might remember a pesky blue dragon shifter who stole an Archangel huntress. He’s about to get his story told!
Here’s more about Hunted by a Jaguar, including an excerpt from this paranormal romance novel.
A jaguar shifter with a dark secret, Kyter has spent his entire life running from his demons. When a tragedy takes him back to his pride’s village, he is set on a path of vengeance that will see him collide with the terrible ghosts of his past and a beautiful vision of his future.
Iolanthe deals in finding artefacts for discerning clients, but this time her client is one of the deadliest men in Hell and her mission has the highest stakes imaginable. Failure is not an option when your life is on the line, but things take a dangerous turn when she crosses paths with a handsome and mysterious male on the hunt for the same artefact—a male who declares she is his eternal mate.
Can Iolanthe resist Kyter’s wicked allure and find the artefact before he does? Can Kyter face his demons and win the heart of his fated female? Or will this deadly game of cat and mouse claim both of their lives?
Hunted by a Jaguar is available from Amazon Kindle, Kobo Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Apple iBooks stores and other retailers. Also available in paperback. Find the links to your preferred retailer at: http://www.felicityheaton.co.uk/hunted-by-a-jaguar-paranormal-romance-novel.php
The air was thicker than he remembered. Like soup in his lungs. Moist. Hot. Stifling. Kyter tipped his head back and inhaled, dragging it over his teeth. It carried a thousand scents unique to the rainforest, smells he hadn’t experienced in centuries.
A blend of sounds teased his ears, a cacophony of insects chirruping, birds singing and primates calling. His jaguar side shifted beneath his skin, a product of his restlessness. He wanted to let the change come over him and take to the trees, prowling along the branches to stalk the monkeys and the parrots. A band of bright blue and yellow macaws broke cover, a stunning flash of colour against the green canopy as they flew to another tree.
Kyter drew in another deep breath, holding this one in his lungs, and calmed himself, shaking off his nerves and trying to see the beauty of this place he had once called home.
The trees loomed above him. The monkey chatter mocked him. Everything closed in and his throat closed with it. A deep need to turn back and escape this place and what awaited him at the end of his journey filled him. He exhaled hard and pushed onwards, taking another step towards his destination. Each step was more difficult than the last. Each stride brought him closer to a place he had vowed he would never set foot in again.
But he had to be here.
He had set out from London a week ago, the same night he had received the news via a call from a satellite phone. That news had knocked his entire world off kilter and left him reeling in the middle of his nightclub, numbed from his skin down to his soul.
He had travelled non-stop since then. Through every plane journey that had carried him halfway across the world, all the boats that had taken him down the mighty Amazon river and its tributaries, and every step he had trod during his trek into the rainforest that had followed, what had brought him back here hadn’t sunk in.
He still felt numb.
He scrubbed a cloth around the back of his neck, wiping the sweat away, and shoved it into the back pocket of his black combat trousers as he took another hard step closer to his destination.
The forest closed in again, covering his tracks for him, even though he had made sure to conceal his path so humans couldn’t find the village nestled far from civilisation. Protected by nature.
Kyter trekked up a steep incline, the path becoming difficult. He struggled to lift his mud-caked boots over each root that threatened to trip him and clung to each tree he could reach, using them as support as he pushed onwards, battling through the fatigue.
The pack on his back was soaked from the sweat that rolled down his spine beneath his black tank. He had emptied his canteen a day back but hadn’t stopped for water. Just as he hadn’t stopped to rest nor to sleep since he had left the river behind two days ago. He couldn’t stop.
Not until he saw the truth for himself.
He wouldn’t believe a thing until then.
He wouldn’t feel a thing until then.
Not how his feet throbbed and burned from the non-stop trek across harsh terrain. Not the sting of a hundred insect bites. Not the ache in his bones.
Not the agony ripping his heart to pieces.
He reached a vertical wall of mud and bushes, and grabbed a thick root, using it to haul himself up the final few feet of the hill. He planted one knee up on the bank above him and grunted as he pulled his bodyweight up and set his other knee down on the ridge.
Kyter dragged himself onto his feet and clutched the tree to his left for support.
The scars on his back ached as he stared down the other side of the hill, through the trees and the scrub to the clearing in the valley.
The village of his pride.
He couldn’t call them family. They had never been family to him.
They had made sure of that, treating him as the outcast he was, ensuring he felt it every day of his long existence. He breathed hard, fighting the memories of this place as they surfaced, shoving them back down inside where they belonged. They had no place in his life now. He had banished them and his pain years ago, or at least he had tried. His fingers tensed against the tree trunk, his claws emerging and tearing through the thin bark to the wood beneath. It curled beneath his fingers, the fresh scent of it filling the air for a moment.
No. They weren’t his family.
If the news was true, then he had no family now.
Kyter pressed a hand to his soaked chest and dug his nails into his pectorals. He ground his teeth and chuffed, the short coughing noise escaping him before he could stop it.
No one would answer that call now.
The backs of his eyes burned and he growled, baring his emerging fangs as he stared down at the village, a flicker of grief piercing the numbness within him and setting fire to his heart.
The smaller wooden single-storey buildings stood on stilts on the earth, without glass in their windows and only shutters to close over them. The thatched roofs hung wide from the sides of each building, providing shelter for the windows and the long porch across the front. They looked so basic to him now, with none of the modern conveniences he enjoyed back in England at his nightclub in London, but one had been his home for most of his life, and he remembered that he had been happy at times.
His golden gaze sought the small residence on the outskirts of the village to his right, near trees that he had climbed as a cub and still bore his claw marks from when he had matured and had raked them to scent them. The house looked so small now. Desolate and lonely. Cold.
As cold as he felt inside.
Kyter straightened and took hold of the straps of his backpack. He sucked down another deep breath into too-tight lungs as his gaze swung back to the main area of the village, to the largest building that stood proudly in the centre of a wide open area. He avoided looking at the left side of the building, where a thick wooden column rose from the earth, and focused on his kin gathered in the square.
They filled the area, encircling a sombre scene that made his numb yet burning heart ache. He had no choice but to believe what he had been told now that it was right before him. Many of the buildings were damaged and, in the middle of the circle of his kin, bodies lay on individual stacks of logs and a cushion of palm leaves, all of them dressed in brightly coloured ceremonial tunics.
The flicker of fire in his chest exploded into an inferno that coursed through his veins and ignited his emotions, bringing them back full force, so powerful that they overwhelmed him. He wanted to throw his head back and roar out his fury and his pain as it ravaged him, but he refused to break with tradition even when he despised it.
Instead of unleashing his rage and grief, he clenched his trembling fists at his sides and vowed that he would hunt down whoever had done this. They would pay. By all that was dark and unholy within him—they would pay.
Kyter took one last deep breath and started down the hill, his step faltering as he approached the village. The hill was more a part of him than the village had ever been. He had spent most of his life up on it, looking down on the village, watching from a distance as ceremonies took place. Especially when they were mating ceremonies.
He never could bear being in the village for those. They only reminded him that he would never have such a thing.
There was no fated mate for him out there.
Now he had to take part in the worst ceremony of all.
He entered the boundaries of the village and kept his gaze fixed straight ahead, on the main building and the people gathered there. The acrid scent of smoke still filled the air, reminding him that only a week had passed since the attack on his kin. A week ago, she had been alive and now she was dead.
Had she been afraid? Had she tried to fight or escape? Had she begged for mercy? For her life?
What had he been doing?
Laughing over a glass of Hellfire in his bar with a pretty little mortal female who had been trying to get his attention all night.
She had been fighting for her life, and he had been laughing while it happened.
Tears burned his eyes and he scrubbed them away, refusing to let them fall. He should have been here. He never should have left.
He reached the edge of the gathered and all eyes turned to him, a hush falling over the village. He ignored them and averted his gaze to the earth, shutting out the pointed looks and the silent accusations that pressed down on his already trembling shoulders.
Kyter glanced at the lead elder of the pride, a tall slender male with short greying hair, and caught the coldness in his golden gaze. More ice than usual.
It had been a long time since Kyter had left this place behind, but he hadn’t forgotten the hostility of his pride. He could never forget. They had made sure of that. His back burned, each laceration feeling as if it had only just happened. The lash of the whip rang in his ears. His own pitiful cries followed it.
He closed his eyes against the memories and turned away from the older male.
The gathered parted for him, which was more than he had expected from them, and he swallowed hard, his throat tightening by degrees as he lifted his head and approached the dead.
Males. Females. Children. All laid out in rows. They numbered in their twenties. Almost half of the pride, and all of their strongest males. Their finest warriors.
Kyter looked at one of them and stopped dead as a vision of the male as a boy filled his mind. A violent collision of fear and hope flooded Kyter’s heart as he stood before the boy, eye-level with him, and the boy pointed at him. The big elder male beside him signalled to two other adult males. Kyter backed away, shaking his head. They clamped strong hands down on his arms and dragged him across the square in front of everyone.
To the column.
The sound of females sobbing yanked him back to the present and he breathed again, his hands shaking as his heart thundered against his ribs.
Kyter stared blankly at the women off to his right, the village of old disappearing to reveal them to him as they clutched each other, consoled by their shared grief and bonded by it.
He flexed his fingers, filled with a need to tell them that he was sorry for their loss, even when he knew that they wouldn’t listen to a word he had to say. They would only look upon him with scorn and disgust.
He hadn’t come for them anyway.
He had learned long ago not to give a damn about them, because they didn’t give a damn about him.
He had come here for one person.
Kyter’s eyes shifted to a small form on a pyre off to the left of the square, her body laid apart from the others and covered only in a piece of pale cloth. Ice and fire speared his chest, freezing and burning his heart at the same time. His throat clogged. Tears stung his eyes.
Not only born of grief.
They were born of fury too. Anger that even in death they were punishing her and holding her away from them, when she had loved them all so dearly. All because she had made a mistake. Duped by a male.
A growl curled up his throat, his anger growing as he realised that they blamed her for what had happened to the pride.
He knew they blamed him. They always blamed him.
The product of her mistake.
He slowly walked towards her, his eyes locked on her, his heart labouring in his chest. His legs shook with each step, his strength leaving him as he drew closer to her, and then gave out when he saw her bruised and lacerated face.
His beautiful mother.
He collapsed to his knees beside her and pulled her cold body into his arms, gently lifting the top half from the palm leaves. Her scent filled his senses and he gathered her against him, buried his face in her throat and cried out the grief ripping him apart inside. Tears spilled in an unstoppable flow as he breathed in her scent with each ragged inhale. He shook to his core and clutched her closer, unable to stop the words from spinning around his mind, damning him.
She had been fighting for her life.
He had been laughing.
Kyter rocked with her, with each hard sob that racked his body, and growled against her mottled skin.
“I should have made you come with me. I shouldn’t have left you behind.”
He chuffed, the low coughing sound that begged for reassurance and comfort reverberating in his throat, but she didn’t answer him.
She would never answer him again.
A blend of sounds teased his ears, a cacophony of insects chirruping, birds singing and primates calling. His jaguar side shifted beneath his skin, a product of his restlessness. He wanted to let the change come over him and take to the trees, prowling along the branches to stalk the monkeys and the parrots. A band of bright blue and yellow macaws broke cover, a stunning flash of colour against the green canopy as they flew to another tree.
Kyter drew in another deep breath, holding this one in his lungs, and calmed himself, shaking off his nerves and trying to see the beauty of this place he had once called home.
The trees loomed above him. The monkey chatter mocked him. Everything closed in and his throat closed with it. A deep need to turn back and escape this place and what awaited him at the end of his journey filled him. He exhaled hard and pushed onwards, taking another step towards his destination. Each step was more difficult than the last. Each stride brought him closer to a place he had vowed he would never set foot in again.
But he had to be here.
He had set out from London a week ago, the same night he had received the news via a call from a satellite phone. That news had knocked his entire world off kilter and left him reeling in the middle of his nightclub, numbed from his skin down to his soul.
He had travelled non-stop since then. Through every plane journey that had carried him halfway across the world, all the boats that had taken him down the mighty Amazon river and its tributaries, and every step he had trod during his trek into the rainforest that had followed, what had brought him back here hadn’t sunk in.
He still felt numb.
He scrubbed a cloth around the back of his neck, wiping the sweat away, and shoved it into the back pocket of his black combat trousers as he took another hard step closer to his destination.
The forest closed in again, covering his tracks for him, even though he had made sure to conceal his path so humans couldn’t find the village nestled far from civilisation. Protected by nature.
Kyter trekked up a steep incline, the path becoming difficult. He struggled to lift his mud-caked boots over each root that threatened to trip him and clung to each tree he could reach, using them as support as he pushed onwards, battling through the fatigue.
The pack on his back was soaked from the sweat that rolled down his spine beneath his black tank. He had emptied his canteen a day back but hadn’t stopped for water. Just as he hadn’t stopped to rest nor to sleep since he had left the river behind two days ago. He couldn’t stop.
Not until he saw the truth for himself.
He wouldn’t believe a thing until then.
He wouldn’t feel a thing until then.
Not how his feet throbbed and burned from the non-stop trek across harsh terrain. Not the sting of a hundred insect bites. Not the ache in his bones.
Not the agony ripping his heart to pieces.
He reached a vertical wall of mud and bushes, and grabbed a thick root, using it to haul himself up the final few feet of the hill. He planted one knee up on the bank above him and grunted as he pulled his bodyweight up and set his other knee down on the ridge.
Kyter dragged himself onto his feet and clutched the tree to his left for support.
The scars on his back ached as he stared down the other side of the hill, through the trees and the scrub to the clearing in the valley.
The village of his pride.
He couldn’t call them family. They had never been family to him.
They had made sure of that, treating him as the outcast he was, ensuring he felt it every day of his long existence. He breathed hard, fighting the memories of this place as they surfaced, shoving them back down inside where they belonged. They had no place in his life now. He had banished them and his pain years ago, or at least he had tried. His fingers tensed against the tree trunk, his claws emerging and tearing through the thin bark to the wood beneath. It curled beneath his fingers, the fresh scent of it filling the air for a moment.
No. They weren’t his family.
If the news was true, then he had no family now.
Kyter pressed a hand to his soaked chest and dug his nails into his pectorals. He ground his teeth and chuffed, the short coughing noise escaping him before he could stop it.
No one would answer that call now.
The backs of his eyes burned and he growled, baring his emerging fangs as he stared down at the village, a flicker of grief piercing the numbness within him and setting fire to his heart.
The smaller wooden single-storey buildings stood on stilts on the earth, without glass in their windows and only shutters to close over them. The thatched roofs hung wide from the sides of each building, providing shelter for the windows and the long porch across the front. They looked so basic to him now, with none of the modern conveniences he enjoyed back in England at his nightclub in London, but one had been his home for most of his life, and he remembered that he had been happy at times.
His golden gaze sought the small residence on the outskirts of the village to his right, near trees that he had climbed as a cub and still bore his claw marks from when he had matured and had raked them to scent them. The house looked so small now. Desolate and lonely. Cold.
As cold as he felt inside.
Kyter straightened and took hold of the straps of his backpack. He sucked down another deep breath into too-tight lungs as his gaze swung back to the main area of the village, to the largest building that stood proudly in the centre of a wide open area. He avoided looking at the left side of the building, where a thick wooden column rose from the earth, and focused on his kin gathered in the square.
They filled the area, encircling a sombre scene that made his numb yet burning heart ache. He had no choice but to believe what he had been told now that it was right before him. Many of the buildings were damaged and, in the middle of the circle of his kin, bodies lay on individual stacks of logs and a cushion of palm leaves, all of them dressed in brightly coloured ceremonial tunics.
The flicker of fire in his chest exploded into an inferno that coursed through his veins and ignited his emotions, bringing them back full force, so powerful that they overwhelmed him. He wanted to throw his head back and roar out his fury and his pain as it ravaged him, but he refused to break with tradition even when he despised it.
Instead of unleashing his rage and grief, he clenched his trembling fists at his sides and vowed that he would hunt down whoever had done this. They would pay. By all that was dark and unholy within him—they would pay.
Kyter took one last deep breath and started down the hill, his step faltering as he approached the village. The hill was more a part of him than the village had ever been. He had spent most of his life up on it, looking down on the village, watching from a distance as ceremonies took place. Especially when they were mating ceremonies.
He never could bear being in the village for those. They only reminded him that he would never have such a thing.
There was no fated mate for him out there.
Now he had to take part in the worst ceremony of all.
He entered the boundaries of the village and kept his gaze fixed straight ahead, on the main building and the people gathered there. The acrid scent of smoke still filled the air, reminding him that only a week had passed since the attack on his kin. A week ago, she had been alive and now she was dead.
Had she been afraid? Had she tried to fight or escape? Had she begged for mercy? For her life?
What had he been doing?
Laughing over a glass of Hellfire in his bar with a pretty little mortal female who had been trying to get his attention all night.
She had been fighting for her life, and he had been laughing while it happened.
Tears burned his eyes and he scrubbed them away, refusing to let them fall. He should have been here. He never should have left.
He reached the edge of the gathered and all eyes turned to him, a hush falling over the village. He ignored them and averted his gaze to the earth, shutting out the pointed looks and the silent accusations that pressed down on his already trembling shoulders.
Kyter glanced at the lead elder of the pride, a tall slender male with short greying hair, and caught the coldness in his golden gaze. More ice than usual.
It had been a long time since Kyter had left this place behind, but he hadn’t forgotten the hostility of his pride. He could never forget. They had made sure of that. His back burned, each laceration feeling as if it had only just happened. The lash of the whip rang in his ears. His own pitiful cries followed it.
He closed his eyes against the memories and turned away from the older male.
The gathered parted for him, which was more than he had expected from them, and he swallowed hard, his throat tightening by degrees as he lifted his head and approached the dead.
Males. Females. Children. All laid out in rows. They numbered in their twenties. Almost half of the pride, and all of their strongest males. Their finest warriors.
Kyter looked at one of them and stopped dead as a vision of the male as a boy filled his mind. A violent collision of fear and hope flooded Kyter’s heart as he stood before the boy, eye-level with him, and the boy pointed at him. The big elder male beside him signalled to two other adult males. Kyter backed away, shaking his head. They clamped strong hands down on his arms and dragged him across the square in front of everyone.
To the column.
The sound of females sobbing yanked him back to the present and he breathed again, his hands shaking as his heart thundered against his ribs.
Kyter stared blankly at the women off to his right, the village of old disappearing to reveal them to him as they clutched each other, consoled by their shared grief and bonded by it.
He flexed his fingers, filled with a need to tell them that he was sorry for their loss, even when he knew that they wouldn’t listen to a word he had to say. They would only look upon him with scorn and disgust.
He hadn’t come for them anyway.
He had learned long ago not to give a damn about them, because they didn’t give a damn about him.
He had come here for one person.
Kyter’s eyes shifted to a small form on a pyre off to the left of the square, her body laid apart from the others and covered only in a piece of pale cloth. Ice and fire speared his chest, freezing and burning his heart at the same time. His throat clogged. Tears stung his eyes.
Not only born of grief.
They were born of fury too. Anger that even in death they were punishing her and holding her away from them, when she had loved them all so dearly. All because she had made a mistake. Duped by a male.
A growl curled up his throat, his anger growing as he realised that they blamed her for what had happened to the pride.
He knew they blamed him. They always blamed him.
The product of her mistake.
He slowly walked towards her, his eyes locked on her, his heart labouring in his chest. His legs shook with each step, his strength leaving him as he drew closer to her, and then gave out when he saw her bruised and lacerated face.
His beautiful mother.
He collapsed to his knees beside her and pulled her cold body into his arms, gently lifting the top half from the palm leaves. Her scent filled his senses and he gathered her against him, buried his face in her throat and cried out the grief ripping him apart inside. Tears spilled in an unstoppable flow as he breathed in her scent with each ragged inhale. He shook to his core and clutched her closer, unable to stop the words from spinning around his mind, damning him.
She had been fighting for her life.
He had been laughing.
Kyter rocked with her, with each hard sob that racked his body, and growled against her mottled skin.
“I should have made you come with me. I shouldn’t have left you behind.”
He chuffed, the low coughing sound that begged for reassurance and comfort reverberating in his throat, but she didn’t answer him.
She would never answer him again.
Hunted by a Jaguar is available from Amazon Kindle, Kobo Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Apple iBooks stores and other retailers. Also available in paperback.
Find all the links, a fantastic 7 chapter downloadable sample of the book, and also how to enter the giveaway and be in with a shot of winning a $75, $50 or $25 gift certificate at her website: http://www.felicityheaton.co.uk/hunted-by-a-jaguar-paranormal-romance-novel.php
Books in the Eternal Mates paranormal romance series:
- Book 1: Kissed by a Dark Prince
- Book 2: Claimed by a Demon King
- Book 3: Tempted by a Rogue Prince
- Book 4: Hunted by a Jaguar
- Book 5: Craved by an Alpha – Coming January 27th 2015
- Book 6: Bitten by a Hellcat – Coming February 17th 2015
- Book 7: Taken by a Dragon – Coming March 10th 2015
Author Bio |
![]() Felicity Heaton is a New York Times and USA Today international best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books. In her books, she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons! If you're a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too. If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, the best-selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series or any of her stand-alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try the best-selling Vampire Erotic Theatre series. Or if you prefer huge detailed worlds filled with hot-blooded alpha males in every species, from elves to demons to dragons to shifters and angels, then take a look at the new Eternal Mates series. If you want to know more about Felicity, or want to get in touch, you can find her at the following places: |
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